Then, this morning, I had a message. One sister, not even a sister that is in my circle of close friends, just a very nice woman in my ward, shared that she missed the postings.
And now I feel bad.
Here's what I missed by not posting:
- I haven't read a conference talk in weeks. That means I've missed opportunities for the Spirit to teach me.
- I've lost sight of why I was doing this: to bless the lives of sisters I love and give us all an opportunity to Feast.
- I let my own personal pride get in the way of providing even for the one, letting a flawed counter measure the worth of my project.
So, I apologize for caring more about myself than you and the commitment I made to you. I hope you forgive me for getting lazy and selfish. Even one is worth the effort.
In that spirit, I have chosen for this weeks feast President Monson's talk from the priesthood session, "School They Feelings, O My Brother." President Monson talks about the prevalence of anger in our world. He teaches us about the damage it can do in our homes and in our relationships. He spoke to me when he told a story about President Grant. As a young adult, he did some work for a man who paid him $500. The man regretted he could not pay him more. Pres. Grant did additional work, harder, more laborious work, and was paid $150. Then Pres. Grant got mad. And he got madder. He was insulted! What an offense! He talked to a friend about it. The friend asked, "Did the man intend to insult you?"
"No. He told my friends he had rewarded me handsomely."
"A man's a fool who takes an insult when it wasn't intended."
And so, this fool is grateful for the counsel of a prophet. I am grateful for your friendship, and your long suffering and encouragement. My life is blessed by your sisterhood, all of you! I hope this talk helps you evaluate your feelings, and school yourself, lest you be schooled by someone else. :)
PS-Pray to prepare yourselves for the upcoming feast! General Conference Saturday and Sunday!